How to Stop Alopecia Areata from Spreading: Ultimate Guide -GeneHabit



Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease that affects millions of individuals worldwide. This guide helps you learn how to stop alopecia areata from spreading naturally. Outline proactive steps to curb hair loss in those with developing alopecia areata.

Table Of Contents

What is Alopecia Areata?

Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disorder. In which your own body’s immune system attacks the hair follicles on your head and other body parts. This might cause patchy hair loss or bald spots on your head and other parts of your body.

Causes and Triggers of Alopecia Areata

1. Family History and Genes:

Alopecia areata can run in families, which means it might be in your genes. If someone in your family had it, you could be more likely to get it too.

2. Autoimmune Factors: 

Alopecia areata is usually caused when the immune system, doesn’t work right. It gets confused and attacks the hair follicles, which are like the roots of our hair.

3. Environmental Factors:

Environmental factors, such as stress, infections, and trauma trigger and influence alopecia areata. Identifying these triggers empowers individuals to mitigate their impact.

Types of Alopecia Areata

Alopecia areata has different types, which affect how much hair loss and how it looks. These types are:

1. Alopecia Areata: Round bald patches that appear on the scalp, beard, or other parts of the body.

2. Alopecia Totalis: Complete loss of hair on the scalp, leading to a completely bald head.

3. Alopecia Universalis: Loss of all body hair. It includes scalp, eyebrows, eyelashes, and body hair.

4. Traction Alopecia: Hair falls out in this type of alopecia because you keep pulling it or making it tight in one direction.

Patients with patchy hair loss more than 80% often require specialized care and treatment for their condition.

Alopecia Areata Symptoms

1. Description of Common Symptoms such as Round Bald Patches:

A common sign of alopecia areata is the appearance of round or oval bald patches. These bald spots can appear on your head, face, or other places with hair. They usually feel smooth and might make your skin itchy or tingling.

2. Recognizing the Early Signs of Alopecia Areata: 

Early detection plays a crucial role in preventing the spread of alopecia areata. If you notice the first signs of hair loss and act, you might be able to stop it from getting worse.

3. Importance of Consulting a Dermatologist for Accurate Diagnosis: 

Consulting a dermatologist is imperative for accurate diagnosis and tailored personalized treatment plans.  It may provide expert guidance on preventive measures.  They may recommend genetic tests for suitable treatments based on individual needs.

Preventive Measures and Strategies

1. Lifestyle Adjustments to Reduce Triggers and Stress: 

Implementing stress-reduction techniques, such as yoga and meditation. It can help in reducing stress and triggers that exacerbate alopecia areata. Lifestyle adjustments contribute particularly to prevention.

2. Role of a Balanced Diet and Nutrition in Prevention: 

A balanced diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants supports hair health. It can likely deter the progression of alopecia areata.

3. Effective Stress Management Techniques: 

Stress management is pivotal in preventing the spread of alopecia areata. Techniques like deep breathing, mindfulness, and engaging in hobbies help in reducing stress. It definitely impacts hair health and improves this condition.

How to stop alopecia areata from spreading naturally

Taking care of your hair is an important step to prevent alopecia areata from spreading naturally. Here’s how you can keep your hair healthy and reduce its impact:

1. Hairstyles: Tight hairstyles can hurt hair roots and make alopecia areata worse. Opt for loose hairstyles that don’t put excessive pressure on the scalp.

2. Use Mild Shampoos: Shampoos with strong chemicals can make your scalp uncomfortable. Choose mild, sulfate-free shampoos that are gentle on the scalp.

3. Use Mild Conditioner: Mild, nourishing conditioner keeps your hair soft and manageable.

4. Scalp Massages: Gentle scalp massages help improve blood circulation to the hair follicles. It will help in promoting hair growth and scalp health.

5. Protect Hair from the Sun: Prolonged sun exposure can weaken hair strands. Wear a hat or use hair products with UV protection when spending time outdoors.

6. Moisturize the Scalp: Keep the scalp moisturized to reduce dryness and flakiness.

7. Stay Hydrated: Drinking enough water helps in maintaining hair moisture and hair health. Hydrated hair is less prone to breakage.

8. Avoid Smoking: Smoking can restrict blood flow to the hair follicle. Quitting smoking can have positive effects on hair health.

9. Avoid Excessive Styling: Limit the use of hair dryers, straighteners, and curling irons. Excessive heat can damage hair follicles.

10. Practice Good Hygiene: Keep your scalp clean to prevent any potential infections. It might worsen alopecia areata.

Treatments for alopecia areata

There’s no surefire cure for alopecia areata. Although treatment option is available to help manage and treat alopecia areata. Here are some of the treatments:

1. Topical Treatments: Your dermatologist might suggest topical corticosteroids or minoxidil for affected areas. These can help your hair grow back and stop it from falling out more.

2. Nutrients: Sometimes, doctors recommend taking vitamins like biotin or multivitamins. These vitamins can help make your hair healthier.

3. PRP Therapy: This treatment can help wake up the hair roots and make your hair grow again. It might also keep alopecia areata from getting worse.

4. Microneedling: This is another way to wake up your hair roots and promote hair regrowth. It might also stop alopecia areata from spreading more.

Personalised Approach: A DNA test differs from a blood test. It looks at your genes, not just your blood. These tests can help find what’s causing alopecia areata. It also helps to understand potential underlying factors contributing to alopecia areata. It aids in the creation of personalized treatments tailored to your needs.

What is the fastest way to cure alopecia?

The quickest way to cure alopecia, or sudden hair loss, isn’t always straightforward. It might involve different treatments like medications, injections, or creams. Sometimes, hair can grow back on its own without any special treatment. It’s important to talk to a doctor to find the best way to help hair grow back and treat alopecia.

Spotting alopecia areata symptoms early and getting personalized treatment could speed up recovery. It may also help to stop alopecia areata from spreading. We offer hair loss DNA tests to discover the most suitable treatments for your hair loss. Schedule a consultation to learn more about the tests. Additionally, discover how to stop alopecia areata from spreading naturally.


In conclusion, after reading this guide, you know more about alopecia areata and how to handle it. You’ve learned about why it happens, what triggers it, and how to prevent alopecia areata. Now, you’re ready to take care of your hair better. By making smart decisions and knowing what to do, you can stop alopecia areata from spreading.

Learn more about the HairLife DNA test or drop us a word by filling up the form below.

Frequently Asked Questions

Promptly seeking medical advice and considering treatments like corticosteroid injections or topical medications can help manage alopecia areata and prevent further spread.

While not directly stopping it, managing stress and maintaining a healthy lifestyle might complement medical treatments for alopecia areata.

Gentle hair care practices and avoiding harsh chemicals can contribute to maintaining hair health, but they might not directly prevent alopecia areata from spreading.

While complete prevention isn’t guaranteed, timely medical advice, stress management, and using prescribed treatments might help manage alopecia areata and reduce balding progression.

Prescribed treatments like corticosteroids or immunotherapy can often help halt the spread of alopecia areata, but effectiveness varies between individuals.

Although there’s limited scientific evidence, some people find essential oils like lavender or rosemary beneficial for scalp massages. However, consulting a dermatologist for guidance is recommended.

Consulting a dermatologist for prescribed treatments like minoxidil or finasteride can help slow down or manage balding.

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