Topical Dutasteride: Uses, Results, and Side Effects – GeneHabit


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Welcome to the guide on “Topical Dutasteride: Uses, Results, & Side Effects.” In this article, we’ll learn about this hair loss medication. We’ll find out what it is, how it’s used, the benefits, and the possible side effects. Let’s dive in and uncover the facts about this.

What is Topical Dutasteride?

Topical dutasteride is a medication used specifically for male pattern hair loss. It is a 5-alpha reductase inhibitor. You apply it to the scalp as a lotion or topical form. It helps with hair loss by decreasing a hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT). It aims to stimulate hair growth and prevent further hair loss.

Topical dutasteride prevents converting testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in the scalp. This hormone can make hair follicles smaller, leading to hair thinning and pattern baldness. Dutasteride, in other forms like pills, is FDA approved for treating prostate conditions. It is not yet approved by the FDA for hair loss, but some individuals do use it with guidance from their doctors.

How Does Topical Dutasteride Work for Hair Loss?

Dutasteride is a medication that helps treat hair loss concerns in both men and women. It is an enzyme called 5-alpha reductase inhibitor. This enzyme changes testosterone into a hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT is a hormone that can cause hair follicles to shrink and weaken, leading to hair loss. It works by blocking 5-alpha reductases. This helps lower the amount of DHT in your scalp. This allows hair follicles to become stronger and encourages new hair to grow. Several studies aim to assess how well topical dutasteride treats hair loss. Below, we’ve summarized the findings from a few of these studies.

  1. A study showed that topical dutasteride formula is more effective than a placebo for men. It helps to promote hair growth and reduce hair loss. Men with less advanced hair loss on the Norwood Scale usually see greater outcomes[1,7].
  2. A recent study tested a novel topical solution by mixing topical dutasteride, finasteride, and minoxidil in a gentle lotion. After 3 months of using this treatment, people saw a lot more hair growing[2].
  3. Studies observations indicated a potential alternative to oral forms of dutasteride. These highlight the topical application’s potential efficacy and safety in managing hair loss[3].

What is dutasteride mesotherapy?

Dutasteride mesotherapy is a treatment that involves using dutasteride to promote hair growth. This can be done using tiny needles, sometimes even with a technique of microneedling. The expert injects a small amount of medicine into the affected areas of the scalp. Dutasteride mesotherapy is a safe method that reduces medication absorption in the body.

Micro-needling is necessary when applying topical form for treating hair loss. It helps make sure the treatment is safe and effective. Dutasteride mesotherapy is a safe method that reduces medication absorption in the body. Treating androgenetic alopecia involves injecting dutasteride into the scalp. To stop hair loss, a precise dosage of medicine is injected into the scalp.

Topical Dutasteride Before and after

The before and after use of dutasteride shows noticeable changes in hair growth. Topical dutasteride may used with other oral medications like minoxidil or topical finasteride. This combination can improve hair loss treatment and better topical dutasteride results. Observing topical dutasteride before and after photos can reveal potential changes in hair growth or thickness over time.

The image on the right shows the before and after effects of topical dutasteride results on hair loss.


How to apply topical dutasteride?

Recent studies showed that using the topical form with micro-needling treatment can be helpful. You can try adding micro-needling to your application routine. It helps the solution get into the skin immediately, which might make the topical dutasteride results better.

To apply this medication, follow these steps:

1. Wash your hands.

2. Clean and dry the affected area.

3. Apply a pea-sized amount and spread it across affected areas.

4. Follow the recommended frequency.

5. Avoid contact with eyes and mouth.

6. Be patient and consistent. Results may take time.

How long does it take topical Dutasteride to work?

When you use topical dutasteride to help hair grow, it might take a few months before you see any changes. Usually, it could take around three to six months or even longer for you to notice more hair growing. Topical dutasteride treatment needs time to work on your scalp and help your hair follicles. Using it regularly is important to see if it helps your hair grow.

What are the side effects of dutasteride?

Oral dutasteride has an increased risk of side effects. The topical form is better than the oral form. This is because it reduces side effects by lowering how much medicine your body absorbs. It can be beneficial in minimizing the occurrence of unwanted reactions.

Side effects of topical dutasteride include but are not limited to:

1. Discomfort: Feel a bit of discomfort around the area where you applied.

2. Itching: Sometimes, the area might itch a little after applying a topical solution.

3. Redness: The scalp where you applied the medicine could become a bit red for a while.

4. Tingling: You might feel a slight tingling sensation after applying.

5. Dryness: The area where you applied the topical solution might feel a bit dry.

6. Small Bumps: In some cases, there could be tiny bumps on the scalp after using the medicine.

7. Sensitivity: Your scalp might become a little sensitive.

Potential side effects of dutasteride oral form include but are not limited to:

1. Sexual side effects like erectile dysfunction and decreased interest in sex.

2. Difficulties with ejaculation.

3. Experiencing sudden feelings of intense heat (hot flashes).

4. Frequent mood changes.

5. Increased thirst and dryness in the mouth.

6. Feeling nauseous.

To sum it up, oral form can cause many unwanted effects.  Topical form may help solve this problem by reducing those side effects. It also causes less discomfort when you apply it.

Why do topical dutasteride results vary across individuals?

Topical dutasteride results vary due to each individual having a distinct genetic profile. It is also influenced by the way they react to medicines can vary. Some people might not respond to medicine as well or less compared to others.  A DNA test can tell if someone responds to dutasteride or if they need a different kind of medicine.

A recent study found that genes can affect how well FDA approved finasteride and dutasteride work. For example, individuals with the SRD5A1 gene marker do not respond to topical or oral finasteride treatment. People with a gene marker CYP19A1 responded the best to dutasteride treatment. This genetic marker is associated with better topical dutasteride results and hair regrowth. Meanwhile, individuals with a gene marker CYP26B1 do not respond well.


It is important to understand the usage, benefits, and side effects of topical dutasteride. As a topical solution, dutasteride offers an easy solution for hair loss. It may, however, not work for everyone based on their genes.

We offer a DNA test – HairLife that identifies if an individual will respond to topical dutasteride or not. The test provides a personalised solution for your hair loss based on your gene profile. Learn more about the HairLife DNA test or drop us a word by filling up the form below.

Frequently Asked Questions

The time it takes for topical dutasteride to stimulate hair growth can vary. Typically, visible improvements may be noticed after consistent use for around three to six months or more.

Results from using dutasteride for hair loss may take several months to become noticeable.

Dutasteride might help with hair growth, but complete regrowth might not always happen. Its effectiveness varies from person to person.

Common side effects of dutasteride may include decreased libido and erectile dysfunction.

You can track topical dutasteride before and after use through photos. It may help observe any changes in hair growth or thickness.

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