Zinc supplements for hair loss and hair care management

How to Get Enough Zinc for Healthy Hair: Foods, Genes, and More!

Importance of zinc in hair healthZinc is a nutrient that is essential for human health. It has a variety of roles in the body, including helping to form DNA and proteins and aiding in cell division. Zinc is also important for hair health. A zinc deficiency can lead to hair loss and other disorders. Luckily, zinc can be found in a variety of foods, so it is relatively easy to ensure you are getting enough of this nutrient. Additionally, genes may play a role in how well you absorb zinc from food. A DNA test can help to identify any genetic variants that may affect zinc absorption and help mitigate the risk of hair loss with low zinc levels.


Role Of Zinc In Overall Health

Zinc is an essential mineral that supports the immune system and keeps your metabolism running smoothly. It’s also involved in protein synthesis, and cell division and promotes healing from wounds or cuts by binding with vital vitamins such as vitamin C to form a protective barrier against infection – all while helping you feel healthier!


What Role Does Zinc Plays In Your Hair Health?

If you’re like most people, you probably don’t think much about zinc. But this essential mineral plays a vital role in many of your body’s functions, including hair growth. Zinc is involved in the production of keratin, the protein that makes up your hair. It also helps keep your scalp healthy and free from dandruff. A lack of zinc can lead to hair loss and slow down new hair growth.


How Deficiency Of Zinc Can Impact Hair Health

A zinc deficiency can impact hair health in a number of ways. For starters, it can cause your hair to become dry and brittle. It may also lead to hair loss or thinning hair. In some cases, a zinc deficiency can even cause your hair to change colour, becoming dull or grey. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s important to see your doctor and get tested for zinc deficiency. If it is confirmed that you are deficient in zinc, your doctor may recommend taking a zinc supplement or making changes to your diet in order to increase your intake of this mineral. By doing so, you can help improve the health of your hair and prevent further damage.


How One Can Get Zinc?

Zinc rich food

Zinc is found in many foods, including meat, poultry, seafood, nuts, and legumes. If you’re not getting enough zinc from your diet, you may want to consider taking a zinc supplement. Talk to your doctor before starting any supplements.




The Most Recommended Zinc Supplement Products by health experts are:

Thorne Research Zinc Picolinate

Their zinc picolinate is no exception and provides an exceptional dose of zinc that the body can readily use. This product provides 30 mg of zinc, which does not exceed tolerable upper intake levels, and it comes in one convenient capsule.


How Do Genes Impact Zinc Absorption?

Impact of genes on zinc absorption

Genes play a role in zinc absorption, as they do with most nutrients. There are specific genes that code for proteins involved in transporting zinc into the cells, and others that regulate how much zinc is absorbed from the intestine. Mutations in these genes can lead to zinc deficiency, even if someone consumes enough zinc in their diet. The advancement in genetics and DNA technology has allowed scientists to reveal several genes associated with zinc absorption. One such reported vastly for low levels is the CA1 gene, which was linked to both UK populations as well Japanese individuals suffering from Androgenic Alopecia or also known as “Male Hair Loss”. The study conducted on these two groups displayed those who carried negative versions had lower serum Zinc values.


With DNA Test Mitigate Hair Fall Risk By Knowing Zinc Deficiency Risk

The DNA test can help to mitigate the risk of hair loss by detecting low zinc levels. The DNA test offered looks at an individual’s genetic profile and determines if they are more likely to experience baldness or thinning in their scalps due to insufficient amounts, with this new strategy you’ll be sure that your treatment has a much better chance for success because doctors know exactly which supplements work best based on someone’s unique makeup – meaning zero guesswork involved!


By Taking Up DNA Test You Can Mitigate These Hair Loss Conditions Before Its too late:

Zinc deficiency can lead to thinning or balding as well an increased risk from various other diseases such as Wilson’s disease, and sickle cell disease. DNA testing would be worth it!

If you like to know more about DNA tests and how vitamins-minerals are processed by our bodies for hair health visit here


Have a look at our products with consent links:


HairLife DNA test is designed to identify and understand the risk of premature hair loss, greying, thinning, and baldness due to genetic factors, nutritional deficiencies, and stress. HairLife DNA test also identifies the specific type of hair issue and helps you to get a personalized hair care solution for the same. This personalized hair care solution will be recommended to keep your hair healthy and nourished based on your genetic reports. Click here to read more about the HairLife test


GeneFit DNA Test provides a 360-degree personalized genetic insight about your lifestyle and well-being risks that include – the risk of weight gain or loss, nutritional deficiencies, food sensitivities, optimal fitness activities, sleep, and stress. Click here to read more about the GeneFit test. 


NutriLife DNA test gives an insight into your micronutrient requirements based on your genetic report. Get personalized recommendations for essential nutrient intake with the NutriLife DNA test report and include the recommended food sources in your diet to maximize the health benefits. The genetic tests also identify your food allergies, food sensitivities, and taste perception which impacts your food absorption in the body. Click here to read more about the NutriLife test

Role of Omega-3 Fatty Acids On Skin Health

Omega-3 Supplements: The Essential Nutrient for Your Skin and Overall Health

Omega-3 fatty acids are important for your health because they play a role in many bodily functions, including cell growth and maintenance, blood clotting, and inflammation control. Some research also suggests that omega-3 fatty acids may improve mental health and cognitive function. Omega-3 is also one of the most essential nutrients for skin issues and skin care management because of its role in maintaining cell growth. If you’re not getting enough omega-3s from your diet, you may want to consider taking an omega-3 supplement. Talk to your doctor before doing so to make sure it’s the right choice for you.

Role Of Omega-3 Fatty Acid In Skin


role of omega-3 fatty acids on skin

Omega 3 fatty acids are a type of polyunsaturated fatty acid that is essential for human health. They are found in fish oils, walnuts, flaxseeds, and other plant-based oils. Omega 3 fatty acids play an essential role in skin health, as they help to maintain the skin’s barrier function and keep it healthy. They also help to reduce inflammation and promote wound healing. If you’re looking to improve your skin health, make sure you’re getting enough omega-3 fatty acids in your diet. You can do this by eating plenty of fish, nuts, and seeds, or by taking a supplement containing omega-3 fatty acids.




How Does Deficiency Of Omega-3 Impact Skin?

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential nutrients that are important for overall health. A deficiency of omega-3 can have a negative impact on the skin, leading to dryness, flaking, and an inability to heal properly. Omega-3 fatty acids play a role in maintaining the health of the skin by helping to keep it hydrated and preventing inflammation. When the body is deficient in omega-3 fatty acids, this can lead to an increase in inflammation and a decrease in the production of collagen, which is responsible for keeping the skin elastic and healthy. Additionally, a deficiency of omega-3 can lead to an increase in sebum production, which can cause acne or other skin problems. If you are experiencing problems with your skin, it is important to make sure that you are getting enough omega-3 fatty acids in your diet.


How Can One Get Omega-3 From Food Or Supplements?

diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids

There are many different ways to get omega-3 fatty acids into your diet. You can get them from food, or you can take supplements or through a DNA-based diet. Some foods that are high in omega-3 fatty acids include salmon, tuna, mackerel, and sardines. You can also find omega-3 fatty acids in some nuts and seeds, like walnuts and flaxseeds. If you’re not a fan of fish or nuts, you can also take omega-3 supplements. Just be sure to talk to your doctor before starting any supplement regimen, especially if you’re taking medication or have any health conditions.


Most Recommended Omega-3 Supplement Products By Health Experts Are: 

  • Best overall: mbg omega-3 potency+ 
  • Best for newbies: Pure Encapsulations O.N.E
  • Best budget: Nature-Made Burp-Less Mini Omega-3
  • Best fish burp-free: NOW Foods Double Strength DHA-500
  • Best vegan: Truvani Omega-3 from Algae
  • Best cod liver oil: Big Bold Health Dutch Harbor Omega


What Is The Role Of Genes In Omega-3 Absorption?

role of genes in omega-3 fatty acids absorption

Your genes play a role in how well your body can absorb omega-3s. For example, people with certain variants of the FADS1 gene absorb omega-3s less efficiently than those without these variants. This may explain why some people seem to benefit more from omega-3 supplements than others. A recent study on US Hispanics revealed that those suffering from severe skin inflammation like psoriasis or acne had significantly lower amounts, which led them to benefit when they consumed omega 3s in their daily diet; thus improving symptoms related to these conditions.


With DNA Test Mitigate Skin Disorder By Knowing Omega-3 Deficiency Risk

The best way to manage skin conditions is by identifying the root cause. DNA tests can help identify an omega-3 deficiency, which may increase your risk for these disorders and should be addressed with a thorough diet or supplement plan that includes this important nutrient in order to minimize potential problems especially if you have a hereditary history of them!


By Taking Up DNA Test You Can Mitigate These Skin Disorders Before Its too late:

With Omega-3 deficiency, not only could you be at risk for poor skin health and hair loss but also other diseases such as low immunity or inflammation. And all this because your body needs optimal guidelines to stay healthy! So why don’t we get tested with DNA Technology? It will pay off big time knowing everything from head to toe has been optimized according to genetic makeup.

If you like to know more about DNA tests and how vitamin-minerals are processed by our bodies for skin health visit here


DNA- Based Skin Problems And Skin Care Solutions With SkinLife 

Genetic testing for Skin problems reveals the risks for your skin type and issues related to it. With personalized genetic reports, an individual can potentially identify the risk for Acne, Sun damage, Pigmentation, Wrinkles, and Skin sensitivities associated with their skin. Genetic testing allows you to identify the right solution for your skin and maintain a healthy skincare routine. 

Have a look at our products with consent links:


When you take a SkinLife DNA test it gives detailed and personalized genetic insights into your skin type and skin health-related risks. It identifies your risk of premature aging, sun damage, skin sensitivities, allergies, and more. Click here to read more about the SkinLife test


GeneFit DNA Test gives a 360-degree personalized genetic insight about your lifestyle and well-being risks that include – the risk of weight gain or loss, nutritional deficiencies, food sensitivities, optimal fitness activities, sleep, and stress. Click here to read more about the GeneFit test. 


NutriLife DNA test provides detailed insight into your micronutrient requirements based on your genetic profile. Based on your NutriLife DNA reports, experts provide personalized recommendations for essential nutrient intake and include the recommended food sources in your diet to maximize the health benefits. The genetic tests also identify your food allergies, food sensitivities, and taste perception which impacts your food absorption in the body. Click here to read more about the NutriLife test

Selenium for Hair Growth: The Mineral Your locks have been Waiting For!

selenium for hair healthSelenium is a nutrient that’s needed for many important processes in the body, including metabolism and thyroid function. It can only be obtained through diet so it doesn’t have any negative health effects when taken at proper doses. Selenium is an important mineral that functions in the body to help protect against damage from free radicals and infections. Selenoproteins function as enzymes; proteins that are involved with DNA repair as well reproduction. Selenium is an important mineral for hair growth, and people have known this for years. It’s just that its role in the process was underestimated until recent studies came out confirming what we already knew: selenium helps with both the strength as well as thickness of your locks!


Role Of Selenium In Overall Health

Selenium is an important mineral that offers many health benefits. It is a powerful antioxidant that can help protect your body against oxidative stress and chronic conditions such as heart disease and cancer. Selenium can also boost your immune system, making you less susceptible to infections and illnesses. Getting enough selenium in your diet is essential for good health, so make sure to include foods that are rich in this nutrient.

What Role Does Selenium Play In Your Hair Health?

Selenium is a mineral that is important for hair health. It helps to protect the scalp and hair from damage and it also helps to keep the hair healthy and shiny. Selenium is also necessary for the production of thyroid hormones, which are important for overall health. If you are not getting enough selenium in your diet, you may experience hair loss or thinning hair.

How Deficiency Of Selenium Can Impact Hair Health 

Selenium is an important mineral that our bodies need for optimum health. However, many people are not getting enough selenium in their diets, and this can lead to a number of health problems, including hair loss. When it comes to hair health, selenium plays an important role in keeping the scalp healthy and the hair follicles strong. It also helps to prevent dryness and itching of the scalp, two common problems that can lead to hair loss. Selenium deficiency has also been linked to dandruff and other scalp conditions.

If you think your hair loss is getting severe, get your selenium level tested. 

How One Can Get Selenium? Selenium rich foods

The recommended daily intake of selenium for adults is 55 micrograms. Good sources of selenium include seafood such as tuna and sardines, nuts such as Brazil nuts and cashews, and seeds such as sunflower seeds. Selenium can also be found in fortified foods such as cereal and bread. There are some people who cannot meet their selenium requirement from food alone. These people may need to take a selenium supplement. Selenium supplements are available in both pill and liquid form. You can manage your selenium levels in your food with DNA-based diet. It is important to consult a doctor before starting a selenium supplement, as too much selenium can be toxic.


Most Recommended Selenium Supplement Products by health experts are:

  • Klaire Labs Seleno Met
  • Pure Encapsulations Selenomethionine
  • NOW Foods Selenium (yeast-free)
  • Bluebonnet Selenium
  • NOW Foods EpiCor Plus Immunity

How Genes Impact Selenium Absorption? Genetic testing for selenium deficiency

Scientists have found that several genes play a role in the metabolism of selenium, which is an important mineral for many bodily functions. Genes that are involved in selenium metabolism include those that encode enzymes needed for selenium uptake, transport, and storage. Mutations in these genes can lead to abnormalities in selenium levels and potentially to health problems. Therefore, it is important to understand the role of genes in selenium metabolism in order to maintain health and prevent disease.

A study conducted on US adults displayed that individuals carrying a negative version of the GPX1 gene showed low selenium absorption and had severe hair loss issues along with thyroid dysfunction. When these individuals included selenium intake in their diet for 4 months trial their hair loss process slowed down significantly.


With DNA Test Mitigate Hair Fall Risk By Knowing Selenium Deficiency Risk

The DNA test can help to stop hair loss by determining if you have low selenium levels. The new strategy looks at an individual’s genetic profile and determines whether they are more likely to experience baldness or thinning in their scalps due to selenium or any other nutritional deficiencies, with this information doctors know exactly which supplements work best for them – meaning zero guesswork involved!

By Taking Up DNA Test You Can Mitigate These Hair Loss Conditions Before Its too late:

  • Androgenic Alopecia 
  • Alopecia Areata 
  • Frontal Fibrosing Alopecia
  • Telogen Eluvium

Selenium deficiency can lead to thinning or balding as well an increased risk of various other diseases such like thyroid dysfunction, mental retardation, and fatigue. DNA testing would be worth it!

If you like to know more about DNA tests and how vitamins-minerals are processed by our bodies for hair health visit here

DNA- Based Hair Loss And Hair Care Solutions With HairLife 

Genetic testing for Hair loss reveals the risks for an individual for their hair loss, hair thinning, or premature greying. Genetic testing also identifies the cause of premature hair loss, greying, thinning, or baldness due to genetic factors, nutritional deficiencies, and stress.

Have a look at our products with consent links:


HairLife DNA test helps you to identify and understand the risk of premature hair loss, greying, thinning, and baldness due to genetic factors, nutritional deficiencies, and stress. HairLife DNA test also pinpoints the specific type of hair issue and helps you to get a personalized hair care solution for the same. This personalized hair care solution will be designed to keep your hair healthy and nourished. Your personalized DNA report provides recommendations for hairstyles, nutrition recommended supplements, and hair care products. Click here to read more about the HairLife test


GeneFit DNA Test provides a 360-degree personalized genetic insight about your lifestyle and well-being risks that include – the risk of weight gain or loss, nutritional deficiencies, food sensitivities, optimal fitness activities, sleep, and stress. Click here to read more about the GeneFit test. 


NutriLife DNA test gives an insight into your micronutrient requirements based on your genetic report. Get personalized recommendations for essential nutrient intake with the NutriLife DNA test report and include the recommended food sources in your diet to maximize the health benefits. The genetic tests also identifies your food allergies, food sensitivities, and taste perception which impacts your food absorption in the body. Click here to read more about the NutriLife test

Vitamin C importance for skin health

The Importance Of Vitamin C For Skin Health: How To Get The Nutrient Your Skin Needs

Your skin is your body’s largest organ, and it’s important to keep it healthy! One essential nutrient for skin health is vitamin C. Vitamin C is a necessary nutrient for skin as it aids for the production of collagen, a protein that helps give your skin its structural support. Collagen also helps fight the signs of aging by reducing the appearance of wrinkles. 

Role Of Vitamin C In Skin role of vitamin c in skin health

As we all know, Vitamin C is essential for overall health. But what many people don’t know is that Vitamin C is also very important for skin health. Vitamin C helps to protect the skin from damage caused by the sun and other environmental factors. It also helps to keep the skin healthy and looking young. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that helps to fight free radicals. Free radicals can damage the skin, causing premature aging and wrinkles. Vitamin C can help to protect the skin from these harmful effects.

How Does Deficiency Of Vitamin C Impact Skin?

A deficiency in vitamin C can lead to a number of problems with the skin, including dryness, wrinkles, and even bruising easily. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it is likely that you are deficient in vitamin C. You can improve your skin health by adding more vitamin C-rich foods to your diet, or by taking a supplement.

How Can One Get Vitamin C From Food Or Supplements?

 There are a few different ways to do so. You can get vitamin C from food sources, or you can take supplements. Let’s take a look at some of the best options for each.

Food Sources of Vitamin C

There are a number of different foods that contain high levels of vitamin C. Some of the best options include oranges, grapefruit, kiwis, strawberries, and broccoli. If you’re looking for other good sources of vitamin C, check out bell peppers, tomatoes, blackberries, and raspberries.

Vitamin C Supplements

If you don’t think you’re getting enough vitamin C from food sources alone, you may want to consider taking supplements. Supplement options include tablets, capsules, powders, and liquids. When choosing a supplement, be sure to read the label carefully to make sure you’re getting the right dosage. You should also talk to your doctor before starting any new supplement, just to be safe. 


What Is The Role Of Genes In Vitamin C Absorption? Vitamin C rich food

Some people have a genetic condition that causes them to absorb less vitamin C than others. This condition is called hereditary hemochromatosis. People with this condition need to be especially careful to include vitamin C-rich foods in their diet and may need to take supplements to ensure that they are getting enough of this nutrient.

Scientists have uncovered several genes associated with low vitamin C absorption. One such gene is the SLC23A1 which codes for a protein called chloride channel, and it’s found in our bodies’ cells that control what goes into circulation – so if you don’t have enough of these channels then your blood will be less able to deliver oxygen throughout all parts! A study conducted on US adults showed those suffering from atopic dermatitis (a type Setup allergies) displayed lower levels than normal skin did; while controls who had standard measurements still appeared healthy despite having much higher rates.

Image- https://www.canva.com/photos/MADq3klzOmw-f019-2488/ 

With SkinLife DNA Test Mitigate Skin Disorder By Knowing Vitamin C Deficiency Riskgenetic test for skin care maintenance

If you are struggling with a skin disorder, you may be interested in taking a DNA test to help mitigate your risk of vitamin C deficiency. Vitamin C is essential for the production of collagen, which is the main structural protein in the skin. A lack of vitamin C can lead to dryness, wrinkles, and a loss of elasticity in the skin. There are several different types of DNA tests that can be used to assess your risk of vitamin C deficiency. One type of test looks at single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that have been associated with a reduced ability to absorb vitamin C from the diet. Another type of test looks at gene mutations that can lead to impaired collagen production.

 Knowing your risk of vitamin C deficiency can help you take steps to ensure that you are getting enough of this important nutrient. You may want to make sure that you include plenty of vitamin C-rich foods in your diet, or you may want to consider taking a vitamin C supplement for optimal skin health.

By Taking Up SkinLife DNA Test You Can Mitigate These Skin Disorders Before Its too late:

Your skin is a window to your overall wellness. With a lack of Vitamin C, you could be putting yourself at risk for various other diseases such as poor immunity and hair loss! DNA testing for Skin Problem & Skin Care Management would definitely pay off in ensuring that all aspects from the inside out are on track with what’s considered “optimal.”

If you like to know more about DNA tests and how vitamins-minerals are processed by our bodies for hair health visit here 

Have a look at our products with consent links:

  1. SkinLife 

When you take the SkinLife DNA test it provides you with detailed and personalized genetic insights into your skin type. It also reveals your risk of premature aging, sun damage, allergies, and more. Click here to read more about SkinLife test

  1. GeneFit

GeneFit DNA Test provides you with 360 degree personalized genetic insight about your lifestyle and fitness risks that include – the risk of weight gain or loss, nutritional deficiencies, food sensitivities, optimal physical activities, sleep, and stress. Click here to read more about GeneFit test. 

  1. NutriLife

NutriLife DNA test reveals your nutritional requirements of micronutrients based on your genetic profile. It also identifies your risk of food sensitivities, food allergies, and taste perception. NutriLife DNA test report provides you with personalized recommendations for nutrient intake by including recommended food sources in your diet. Click here to read more about NutriLife test

Hair health and Iron Intake

Iron and Hair Health: The Vital Mineral Your Hair Needs

Hair health Iron is an essential mineral for human health, playing a role in many different bodily functions. One of the most well-known roles of iron is its importance in the formation of red blood cells. However, iron also plays a critical role in hair health. Iron is essential for life. It’s used in many processes including oxygen transport and production of hormones, but most importantly it helps your body grow! Iron is a vital mineral for the health and beauty of your hair, but it often gets neglected. If you’re losing hairs then get checked to see if there’s an issue with iron levels in that area!


Why Is Iron Important For Our Body?

Iron is important for our body because it helps us produce red blood cells. These cells are responsible for carrying oxygen throughout our bodies, and without enough iron, we can become anaemic. Symptoms of anaemia can include fatigue, shortness of breath, dizziness, and pale skin.

While there are many different types of anaemia, the most common is iron-deficiency anaemia. This type of anaemia can be caused by a number of factors, including a poor diet, blood loss, or pregnancy. Iron-deficiency anaemia can be treated by taking iron supplements and making sure to get enough iron in your diet.

Role Of Iron In Hair Health

In order for hair to grow and remain healthy, it needs a sufficient amount of iron. A lack of iron can lead to hair loss and a decrease in hair quality. This is because iron is necessary for the production of haemoglobin, which transports oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. Haemoglobin is also responsible for supplying nutrients to the scalp and hair follicles.

How Deficiency Of Iron Can Impact Hair Health

Iron is an important mineral for hair health. It helps to transport oxygen to the cells and tissues, including the hair follicles. Without enough iron, the hair follicles may become starved of oxygen, leading to weaker, thinner hair. An iron deficiency can also lead to hair loss.

If you think you may be deficient in iron, it’s important to see your doctor for a blood test. Treatment for iron deficiency usually involves taking iron supplements. Getting more iron-rich foods in your diet can also help improve your overall health and well-being.

How Can One Get Iron? iron rich food for hair care management

Fortunately, there are many different ways to get the recommended amount of iron each day. You can eat foods that are high in iron, such as red meat, dark leafy greens, beans, and fortified cereals. You can also take iron supplements in the form of pills or injections.





Most Recommended Iron Supplement Products by health experts are:

  • Best overall iron supplement: Thorne Iron Bisglycinate.
  • Best affordable iron supplement: Nature Made Iron 65mg Tablets.
  • Best iron supplement with vitamin C: Pure Encapsulations OptiFerin-C.
  • Best vegan iron supplement with vitamin C: Garden of Life Vitamin Code Raw Iron.

If you are concerned about your hair health, or if you have noticed a decrease in hair quality or excessive hair loss, talk to your doctor about getting a blood test to check your iron levels. If your iron levels are low, there are hair loss genetic treatment options available that can help improve your hair health.


How Do Genes Impact Iron Absorption?impact of genes on iron absorption and hair health

There are a number of factors that influence how well your body absorbs iron. One of these is your genes. Some individuals are simply better at absorbing iron than others. However, there are also genetic tests that can be performed to determine whether you have a genetic mutation that affects your ability to absorb iron. If you do have this mutation, there are supplements available that can help increase your iron levels.

The advances in genetics and DNA sequencing technology have enabled scientists to report several problems associated with low iron absorption. In a recent study conducted on Hispanics, US adults displayed that individuals suffering from alopecia or telogen conditions had significantly lower levels of iron when compared to healthy control group showing slower hair loss frequencies as per standard daily intake recommendations.

Another important factor that affects iron absorption is the presence of other minerals in the body. For example, zinc and copper play a role in the absorption of iron, so if you are deficient in either of these minerals, your body will be less able to absorb the iron from food sources.

Image- https://www.canva.com/photos/MADmTOqsi3Q–genetic-engineering/ 

With DNA Test Mitigate Hair Fall Risk By Knowing Iron Deficiency Risk

DNA tests can help to mitigate the risk of hair loss by detecting low iron levels. The test looks at an individual’s genetic profile and can determine if they are more likely to experience hair loss if they have low iron levels. With this new strategy, you can be sure that your hair loss treatment will have a much better chance of success. Doctors and experts know exactly which supplements are best for each individual this means zero guesswork and zero harmful side effects.

By Taking Up DNA Test You Can Mitigate These Hair Loss Conditions Before Its too late:

  • Androgenic Alopecia 
  • Alopecia Areata 
  • Frontal Fibrosing Alopecia
  • Telogen Eluvium

The lack of iron can lead to thinning or balding as well an increased risk of various other diseases such like low haemoglobin, fatigue and immunity problems. Getting tested for DNA would be worth it! 

If you like to know more about DNA tests and how vitamins-minerals are processed by our bodies for hair health visit here

DNA- Based Hair Loss And Hair Care Solutions With HairLife 

With Genetic testing for Hair loss, one can understand and know their risk for hair loss, hair thinning, or premature greying. Genetic testing also identifies the cause of premature hair loss, greying, thinning, or baldness due to genetic factors, nutritional deficiencies, and stress.

Have a look at our products with consent links:


HairLife DNA test helps you to identify the risk of premature hair loss, greying, thinning and baldness due to genetic factors, nutritional deficiencies and stress. HairLife DNA test also reveals the specific type of hair issues and a personalized hair care solution suitable for you to keep your hair healthy and nourished. Your personalised DNA report provides recommendations for hairstyles, nutrition recommended supplements, and hair care products. Click here to read more about the HairLife test


GeneFit DNA Test provides a 360 degree personalized genetic insight about your lifestyle and well-being risks that include – the risk of weight gain or loss, nutritional deficiencies, food sensitivities, optimal fitness activities, sleep, and stress. Click here to read more about GeneFit test. 


NutriLife DNA test gives an insight into your nutritional requirements of vitamins and minerals based on your genetic profile. Get personalised recommendations for essential nutrient intake with NutriLife DNA test report and include the recommended food sources in your diet. Your food allergies or sensitivities along with taste perception are also identified in the genetic testing to maximize health benefits. Click here to read more about NutriLife test

DNA Testing for stress and sleep management

DNA Testing: Your New Sleep And Stress Management Companion

Stress and sleep are two of the most important factors in our lives, making it imperative that we get enough of both. Stress is one of the leading causes of death worldwide, with over three million deaths per year tied to stress-related illnesses. Sleep deprivation has also been linked to problems ranging from weight gain to heart disease.


STRESS DNA testing for stress

Stress is a natural part of life, especially in these pandemic times. While we can’t always control stressful events and situations, we can control our reactions and responses to them. When we understand how we react to stress — whether we use healthy or unhealthy coping mechanisms — we can begin to modify unhelpful thought patterns and behaviors into more positive ones.


Impact of stress on wellbeing

Stress affects how you feel, the way you think, and the way you act. Some common symptoms include dull headaches, irritability, stomach ache, insomnia, weight gain or loss, fatigue, muscle tension, and cravings for sugary or starchy foods. 

Stress & Obesitystress and obesity

Obesity is one of the most prevalent symptoms of stress, and it’s reached a pandemic level during these difficult times. Stress contributes to weight gain due to comfort eating, especially during the late night hours. These comfort foods include sweets full of refined sugars and fried foods that add unnecessary calories to your body that get stored under your skin or around your internal organs.

Role of genes in stress & stress-related obesity

Variations in our genes affect our hormones and enzymes during and after stressful events. For example, some individuals are more sensitive to stress than others are. These differences are due to certain genes that produce an elevated response to stressful events.

Recent studies have reported that DRD2 and OPRM1 genes are associated with stress binge eating. Individuals with a certain combination of these genes are at risk for binge eating disorders. About 11% of Caucasians and 14% of Asians carry these gene variations putting them at risk of being overweight or obese.


SLEEP DNA testing for sleep issues

Sleep is just as important to our health as food, water, and oxygen. Poor sleep can lead to physical health problems such as obesity, weakened immune system, and many more. It’s also linked to mental issues such as anxiety and depression.

Our sleep gets directly influenced by the circadian clock, which is a complex neurochemical system that uses signals from our environment to recreate an internal day-night rhythm. One important signal is the hormone cortisol, which helps us know when to sleep. If the circadian rhythm gets disrupted, it can cause insomnia, short or oversleep durations.


Impact of sleep on body weightimpact of sleep on body weight

Poor sleep can lead to weight gain. Studies have shown that chronic sleep deprivation can disrupt our circadian rhythms, leading to weight gain as sleep-deprived individuals end up snacking at late hours. Furthermore, insufficient sleep is linked, to increased levels of oxidative stress, glucose intolerance, and insulin resistance.




Role of genes & genetic testing in sleep disorder

Genes have been found to play a major role in sleep. Researchers have discovered that an individual’s chronotype and circadian rhythm are determined by their genes. For example, CLOCK and ADORA genes impact circadian rhythm and caffeine-related sleep disorders respectively. According to a US population study, both these genes with specific variations are known to cause disrupted sleep patterns within obese individuals. 


About GeneFIT Stress and Sleep DNA test

Through the GeneFIT DNA test, discover how your sleep pattern and your chronotype impact your physical fitness and overall performance.  GeneFIT identifies your genetic variants to check if you are resistant or vulnerable to stress. The test also provides insights about genes and their effect on your sleeping pattern, if you are a morning lark or a night owl. Such information comes in handy to provide personalized sleep and stress management program that is provided along with your test results.  

Unlock your individual genetic secrets to:

  • Understand your risk of chronic stress and ways to manage it
  • Adapting your lifestyle to your genes
  • Working in the right profession to ensure your wellbeing
  • Learning which leisure and physical activities will benefit you the most

For more details click here

Have a look at our products with consent links:

  1. GeneFit

GeneFit provides a 360-degree personalized genetic insight into the risks associated with your lifestyle and fitness. This includes extreme weight gain or loss, nutritional deficiencies, food sensitivities, optimal physical activities, sleep, and stress. Personalized recommendations are given considering your genetic report and body type to maximize the health benefits.  Click here to read more about the GeneFit test or connect with our experts

  1. NutriLife 

NutriFit DNA test identifies your nutritional demands and requirements based on your genetic reports. NutriFit DNA test report gives you a personalized report about your food sensitivities, food allergies, taste perception, and nutritional intake required for you. A personalized DNA-based diet is recommended considering your genetic report to enhance your health benefits. Click here to read more about the NutriLife test or connect with our experts

food insensitivity and taste perception

Genetic Testing: Unlock Your Taste Buds And Food Sensitivities

FOOD SENSITIVITYfood sensitivity

You may not be aware, but certain types of food may cause you more trouble than gain. Food sensitivities can impact your digestive system and make your body feel uncomfortable and bloated. They are hard to diagnose, but they are slowly being recognized as a serious medical condition. While it’s important not to panic if you have a food sensitivity, it’s a good idea to keep a note of the foods that affect you. Like allergies, food sensitivities can impact your digestive system and make your body feel uncomfortable. 



TASTE PERCEPTIONTaste perception

Taste perception is an important function for living organisms to detect chemical substances contained in foods and judge whether they serve as nutrients for survival. Low or over perception of a particular taste can create serious health issues, leading to several metabolic disorders.

For example, an individual with a high fat taste preference tends to become overweight and have high cholesterol issues.

An individual’s taste sensitivity can vary depending on their genetic makeup.


Type Of Food Sensitivities Commonly Observed Globally:

  • Lactose Sensitivitylactose intolerance

Lactose intolerance is a condition in which the body is unable to partially digest lactose, a type of sugar found in dairy products. Lactose intolerant individuals experience diarrhea, gas, and bloating after consuming dairy products.

Lactose sensitivity is directly affected by genetic variation in lactose encoding genes known as LCT genes. 

Research has shown that lactose sensitivity is largely affected by genetic variation in the LCT gene. Individuals who have negative variations of this gene are more likely to be lactose intolerant and have higher chances of being overweight.



  • Gluten Sensitivitygluten intolerance

Gluten intolerance or sensitivity is a chronic disease that affects a worldwide population. Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye — three of the most consumed cereal grains in the world. This disease can cause digestive discomfort as well as many other side effects.

Gluten sensitivity is usually inheritable. Research has shown that individuals in families with the HLA-DQ7 gene or HLA-DQ2 gene are more likely to have strong reactions to gluten.


  • Caffeine Sensitivitycaffeine sensitivity

Caffeine sensitivity can come from a variety of factors, including genetics. Caffeine is metabolized in the liver. If your liver is unable to process caffeine well, you are more likely to have a caffeine allergy. This occurs when caffeine triggers your immune system – it mistakes it for something harmful that needs to be fought off.

An individual’s sensitivity to caffeine is a result of their genetic makeup as proven by several studies. For example, individuals with caffeine sensitivity had negative variants for the CYP1A2 gene, which codes for an enzyme that breaks down caffeine. 


  • Carbohydrate Sensitivitycarbohydrate sensitivity

Carbohydrate intolerance is a condition that prevents the body from digesting certain carbohydrates due to a lack of digestive enzymes. Symptoms include diarrhea, bloating, and gas.

Some individuals are genetically predisposed to being sensitive to carbohydrates. It means that their bodies don’t tolerate or process refined carbohydrates very well. Carbs impact your body weight, fat, and insulin responsiveness.



Type Of Taste Perceptions Commonly Observed Globally:

  • Sweet Taste Perception sweet taste perception

Sweet taste perception is a condition; where an individual has more inclination toward consuming sweet-tasting food or beverages. Over dominance of sweet taste can cause several disorders like obesity, diabetes, etc.

As per studies, genetic variation impacting taste receptors (TAS1R1 genes) impact sweet taste craving.


  • Salt Taste Perceptionsalt taste perception

Salt is essential for body metabolism, however, excess salt or sodium intake can cause high blood pressure in those who are genetically susceptible. Studies have shown the variation in the TRPV1 genes may modify salt taste perception in humans.




  • Fat Taste Perceptionfat taste perception

“Fat” is the term used to refer to naturally occurring triglycerides. Over consumption of fat has negative health impacts and increases the risk of morbidities, such as obesity, diabetes, and cancer. Fat taste perception has become a vital cog to measure fat intake. Several taste receptor genes strongly influence taste perceptions which are directly proportional to the amount of intake.



  • Bitter Taste Perceptionbitter taste perception

Bitterness can be described as a sharp, pungent, or disagreeable flavor. Bitterness is neither salty nor sour but may accompany these flavor sensations. There is a ‘supertaster’ gene that determines if you are able to detect certain bitter compounds found in common foods. High bitter taste sensitivity is proven to increase cravings for alcoholic beverages, insomnia, and high blood pressure.



food intolerance test

Role Of Your Genes In Food Sensitivity And Taste Perception

Scientists have recently identified several genes that determine how our bodies metabolize food. It is important to note that these same genes also impact food sensitivities and influence our taste perception.

Research has shown that taste perceptions are directly influenced by genetic variations that affect taste receptors. How an individual experiences tasting a particular taste is dependent on the tendency to over-consume it. If someone enjoys the meaty taste, they will be drawn more to fatty foods with a meaty taste. Thus, making the individuals more likely to suffer from weight or cholesterol issues.


About NutriLife Test For Food Sensitivity And Taste Perception –

Food Sensitivities & Intolerance

Find which foods you are sensitive to

You may not be aware but certain types of food may cause you more trouble than gain. Our food intolerance reports help you understand any foods you should avoid based on your genes.

Report Includes:

  • Lactose Intolerance
  • Carbohydrate Intolerance
  • Caffeine Sensitivity
  • Salt Sensitivity
  • Fructose Intolerance
  • Celiac Disease Predisposition

NutriLife Test – Test For Taste Perception & Food Preferences

Taste perception is an important function for living organisms to detect chemical substances contained in foods and judge whether they serve as nutrients for survival. Low or over perception of a particular taste preference can you into several metabolic disorders. A distorted sense of taste can be a risk factor for many metabolic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and other illnesses. Your report will identify if you are hyper or hypo sensitive to a particular taste and its effects.


  • Sweet taste perception
  • Salt taste perception
  • Bitter taste perception
  • Fat taste perception
  • Umami taste perception

For more details click here

Here are our consent products with links – 

  1. NutriLife 

NutriLife DNA test identifies your micronutrient demands, taste perception, food intolerance, and food allergies based on your genetic reports. NutriLife DNA test report provides you with personalized recommendations according to your body requirements and genetic reports. Start your journey to keep your body healthy and in an optimal weight with NutriLife. Click here to read more about NutriLife test or connect with our experts

DNA Test: Your Key To Harness Your Beauty And Skin Rejuvenation

Your skin is much more than your outer skin. It’s important for many reasons, such as protecting you from bacteria and other foreign objects. It’s also vital in regulating your body’s fluids and temperature. Healthy skin is the mirror image of your health. Healthy skin is smooth, with no breaks or redness. It is warm but not hot, not dry and flaky, but also not moist and wrinkled. Healthy skin is a reflection of a healthy body.

Skin health is important and needs constant care at all ages skin care

Keeping your skin healthy and beautiful is paramount, but it can be difficult when you’re dealing with acne, varicose veins, age spots, and moles. Yet, healthy skin is possible. With only a few simple steps, you can have naturally glowing skin from head to toe.

It is normal to have a few skin issues in your life, like acne, even occasional sun tanning, or freckles. But when this problem becomes prolonged and starts impacting our appearance, it can impact our self-confidence and anxiety.


Role of Genes in Skin Health skin health

Your genes play a crucial role in skin health. They Genes influence your skin type, ability to cope with the sun’s UV ray damage, environmental toxins, elasticity, and wrinkling. When genes work the right way, they tell the body to produce new skin cells as old ones die.

When genes do not work the way they should, your skin health could take a toll. Too much of a cell signal can cause cells to grow too quickly, causing skin-clamping problems such as acne. Too little of a signal can prevent the skin from repairing and rebuilding, thus resulting in premature aging.


Type of skin issues

Skin disorders can be painful or painless and can vary in severity. Some are temporary, others are genetic, and others may be life-threatening. It is important to take care of the skin as some disorders can indicate a serious issue that needs to be addressed.

Here are some of the most commonly observed skin conditions:

  1. Acneacne

Acne is a skin condition where the pores of your skin become clogged. The blockages produce blackheads, whiteheads, and other types of pimples. 

Acne is most common in teenagers and young adults. One of the most popular reasons for acne is fluctuating hormones. Men and women both have these hormones, but when adolescents go through puberty, their hormones surge, and so does acne.

It can show up as blackheads, pimples, or large, red bumps. There are also non-prescription creams and cleansers for acne treatments. Prescriptions antibiotics can also help get rid of your acne. 

Click here to read more about Acne

  1. Skin Firmness and Elasticityskin firmness and elasticity

Loss of skin elasticity can lead to skin sagging, wrinkles, and leathery-looking skin. As people age, their skin becomes less elastic. Skin exposed to the sun can get solar elastosis, a form of elastosis that causes aging skin to look really bad.

Click here to read more about Skin Elasticity


  1. Skin Oxidation (Free Radical Damage)skin oxidation

Free radicals can break down the collagen in your skin and cause little rifts on the surface of your skin. It can lead to dark spots, wrinkles, fine lines, and saggy skin.

Click here to read more about Skin Oxidation 


  1. Skin Glycation

Glycation is a process that happens when your skin has excess glucose. It causes an internal reaction, and sugar molecules attach to collagen and elastin — the proteins that help your skin stay firm and supple. Too much glucose in the body has a bad effect on collagen. Collagen is the protein that maintains the skin’s suppleness, and excess glucose means it becomes too rigid. It leads to tired, older-looking skin.

Click here to read more details about Skin Glycation


  1. Skin Sensitivitiesskin sensitivities

People with sensitive skin are more prone to inflammation because of the environment, genetics, or low immunity.

Click here to read more details about Skin Sensitivities



  1. Sun Damagesun damage

As great as the sun can feel, it can turn really bad for your skin. The heat and lack of natural oils dry out your unprotected skin, and it can cause long-term damage. In addition, the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) radiation can cause burning and long-term changes in the skin’s structure.

To read more details about Sun Damage click here 



  1. Skin Nutrition deficienciesskin nutrition

Skin changes can be caused by a deficiency of many nutritional elements, such as ascorbic acid, retinol, protein-energy, cyanocobalamin, phytonadione (vitamin K), and zinc.

For more details about Skin Nutrition and genetic insights click here



Genetic testing for Skin Caregenetic test

Your genes have a lot to do with how your skin ages and what skin issues you might face as time goes by. For example, if you’re not very good at deflecting UV rays, you could find out with a DNA test and then add a higher SPF to your routine. 

DNA testing is an easy-to-administer test that tells you your skin’s genetic potential in seven key areas. The test results suggest telling you your response to UV rays, the likelihood of developing wrinkles, and the potential for pigmentation. It also measures collagen quality, skin elasticity, and skin sensitivity.


Personalized Skin Care with genetic testing

The future of beauty is in your very own hands. Personalized skincare is tailor-made to your needs and desires based on your skin’s genetic profile. The concept is simple: it’s prescribable to your skin and yours alone.

  • Personalized Skin Care includes the following categories:
  • Personalized diet recommendations
  • Personalized atopic and oral product recommendations
  • Personalized skin treatment recommendations

Personalized Skin Nutrition 

Nutritional status plays an important role in the maintenance of healthy skin. Macronutrients (carbohydrate, protein, and lipids) and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) work together to maintain the barrier functions of the skin in the face of everyday challenges.

Personalized nutrition helps your skin; to get appropriate and required nourishment with arrays and essential vitamins and minerals.

Personalized skincare productskin care product

It’s important to find the right skin care product for your skin. Your basic regimen should start with products that are formulated for your skin type and genetic makeup towards a particular skin type. Gene testing would let you know about the right product category which would suit your skin precisely. 

For example, if your gene test says that you have high AGE (Glycation) causing variants; in that case, you must opt for anti-AGE products like Topical retinol-based OTC or prescription products for skin youthfulness.


Personalized skincare & skin treatment recommendationspersonalized skin care and skin treatment

Your skin may be unique, but you can find the right treatment for it. Personalized skin treatments rely on your skin’s genetic makeup and chemistry. For example, if you have a high genetic propensity to cellulite or stretch marks, laser therapy is not the right choice. You should opt for vacuum therapy for effective results.



SkinLife DNA test – For Personalized Skin Care & Skin Problem Management for All Skin Types

SkinLife provides comprehensive, personalized genetic insights into your skin type and your skin health-related risks. Your personalized report identifies your genetic risks for wrinkling, pigmentation, sun damage, cellulite, stretch marks, and other skin issues for immediate action. It includes what type of skin treatment will suit you best.

With SkinLife personalized skincare understand your skin better and act accordingly. As a result, enjoy prolonged skin glow and quality.

Click here to visit our SkinLife product page for features and pricing or connect with our experts 

weight loss

Genetic Testing: Your Genetic Partner for Weight Loss

Weight Loss & Obesity: It’s all about understanding your genetics, diet, and Lifestyle!!

For many of us, weight loss can be a difficult task. It has become more challenging with COVID lockdown.

What causes weight gain/obesity?

  • Overeating
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Family genetics
  • Hormonal malfunction
  • Excess sugar consumption


One of the most common misconceptions about weight loss is that one can just “go on a diet” and “exercise.” It turns out every individual has different requirements for their own body based on their genetic makeup, and a general random diet and exercise regimen won’t procure desired weight loss results and weight maintenance. Genetic testing can help to gain insight into- how to customize your diet and exercise based upon knowledge about how effectively your body can burn fat.

Impact of DNA testing on weight loss

Weight loss is difficult for many people, and it can be hard for one person to find a diet and exercise that meets their needs. Generic diets and exercise plans are not personalized to the individual’s needs, making weight loss difficult. Genetic testing can identify the risk for obesity and help in weight loss. Useful data can be obtained from genetic testing, such as determining the best kind of diet and the optimal exercise routine. 

Based on your genetic test, you can personalize your lifestyle and food choices and get recommendations to be healthy. Generic diets and exercise patterns won’t help much to lose weight, but your DNA tells you how to do it. Genetic tests analyze over 80 parameters; related to health, fitness, nutrition, and habits.

Benefits of Genetic Testing

A DNA test reveals your tendencies to gain weight, fat deposition risk, and high BMI risk that may affect your weight and overall health. With a genetic test, you can:

  • Know your genetic obesity risk
  • Plan your food intake according to your body’s calorie needs
  • Indulge in exercises that work for your weight loss
  • Observe symptoms of diseases that you have a high risk for
  • Modify your lifestyle to prevent the onset of those diseases
  • Plan your preventive health check-ups for the prevention of these diseases


Additional perks of genetic testing:

Knowing personalized obesity risk score

A personalized obesity risk score is useful in determining an individual’s genetic predisposition to obesity and related traits.

Sedentary tendency

A sedentary lifestyle can lead to a variety of health risks, including obesity. Recent research has confirmed some of these risks are associated with leading a sedentary lifestyle can contribute to obesity and hyper cholesterol. 

Genetic testing can help you understand how your genes could increase your risk of having a sedentary lifestyle.

Personalized DNA Diet Type

A personal approach to nutrition improves energy and protein levels, helps with functional status and quality of life, and helps to maintain an ideal weight.

DNA tests can provide you with diet-based insights. Your genetic makeup might indicate that a particular type of diet will help you lose weight or maintain weight.

Exercise Recommendations

Through genetic testing, your DNA profile can be combined with environmental and lifestyle factors, to identify the most effective physical activity to lose weight.

Stress and Sleep Recommendations

Lack of sleep or disturbed sleep, and stress can cause weight gain. Genetic testing identifies which gene markers help keep you healthy by providing insights into your circadian patterns, caffeine intake, and exercise habits.

GeneFIT – For Weight Loss Management With Personalized Reports

GeneFIT uses scientific insights about your genes to identify your risk of being overweight or obese. Your personalized report provides details about your genes that put you at risk and steps you could take to mitigate risk.

Report Includes:

  • Gene markers that could result in access weight gain
  • BMI Risk Score: Your risk of access or underweight
  • Foods to avoid
  • Recommended Diet type

For more details click here or connect with our experts

How Genetic Test Report Beneficial for Lifetime?

You can use your genetic test to take control of your weight. You can contact your gym trainer to plan exercises that will maximize the weight you lose. You can also contact your doctor and dietician to plan the future health and nutrition that will help you maintain your current weight.


Here are some of our other products with links –

NutriFitNutriFit DNA test identifies your essential nutritional demands based on your genetic reports. NutriFit DNA test report gives you a detailed insight into your food sensitivities, food allergies, taste perception, and nutritional intake required for you. A personalized DNA-based diet recommended by nutritionists is based on your report to maximize your health benefits. Click here to read more about NutriFit test or connect with our experts


FitLife – FitLife DNA test gives you a holistic report about your fitness. The personalized report gives you an insight into the optimal type of exercise, aerobic capacity, and injury risk for you. Achieve your desired fitness through DNA based nutrition and fitness program to transform your fitness routine. Click here to read more about the FitLife test or connect with our experts

fitness, exercise

DNA Testing: Your Companion For Optimal Body Weight And Fitness

Losing weight is hard work! You’re going to have to put in the time and effort if you want to achieve your weight loss goals. But before you start, you must know your obesity predisposition because weight loss programs are not effective for everyone. Although intense dieting and exercise can shed a significant number of pounds, individuals who have a genetic predisposition to obesity may not be able to lose weight with the usual forms of exercise. Even if they lose weight, they are less likely to maintain the weight loss, and they are more likely to gain it all back and more.
To maintain optimal body weight and fitness level, it is important to choose a workout as per your genetic makeup.

Programmed weight loss exercise has the following aspects:


1. Choosing your right workout choose your right workout

Have you noticed that some individuals respond to the exercise and workout plan effortlessly, while others struggle for months at the gym and do not see any results?

Research has shown that every person responds differently to varying types of exercise. Understanding your genetic profile can help you personalize your workout routine to best reach your fitness goals. 

It helps to know if you are genetically suited to power or endurance exercise. 

Things to consider:

  • Low-Intensity Steady State training is a method of improving endurance by exercising for long periods at low intensities. For example, if your goal is a 5k race, try running 10k at a slower pace to build endurance.

2. Impacts of genes on your exercise exercise, genes

Your genes can affect your performance in both power and endurance exercises. 

Scientists have recently discovered the ACTN3 gene variation has a direct effect on endurance and power performance for an individual by affecting the production of alpha-actinin-3, a protein found in fast-twitch muscle fibers. Variation in this gene decodes whether you are more suited to power or endurance exercise.

Knowing your ACTN3 genotype, through a DNA test- you can optimize your workout to push your body just the right amount and avoid over-training. You can also focus on high-earning sporting events where your genetics give you an advantage.

3. Understanding your Aerobic capabilities

understanding your aerobic capabilities

VO2max is the measurement of the body’s ability to consume and use oxygen during exercise. The higher VO2max, the more oxygen your body can consume. This attribute is crucial when examining aerobic fitness. A runner with a high VO2max can breathe in more air and run faster and farther than a low VO2max runner.

Studies suggest that individuals’ VO2max is more strongly affected by their genes because numerous different physiological and biochemical variables are involved in endurance exercises. Individuals’ genes can affect each of these variables. 

For example, in a study scientists found ACE and ADRB3 genes impact cardiorespiratory endurance by regulating and adapting the cardiovascular system, clearing lactate, controlling mitochondrial function, and more. Individuals with positive versions of these genes showed prolonged endurance and durability. Hence can indulge themselves in power and endurance or a mix of both workouts.

With genetic testing, one can gain insights into how your genes impact your aerobic potential; and know how well you utilize oxygen during exercise. This will help you to understand your fitness threshold and help to program your workouts for enhanced results.

Things to consider:

To be able to run faster or longer, you will need to develop a high level of fitness. The best way to do this is by using both aerobic training and lactate threshold training.

4. Knowing your injury risk know your injury risk during exercise

For many individuals, injuries seem to occur more frequently compared to others. There are many factors to injury risk such as wrong training or performing work out without a fitness guide. But most importantly your genes contribute a lot towards your injury propensity, as proven by several scientific studies.

For example, certain genetic variations in the COL1A1 gene can make some individuals more predisposed to tendon and ligament-based sporting injuries (Achilles Heel and ACL rupture). Individuals who have these variations tend to have weaker collagen. Therefore more likely to experience ruptures, tears, and strains than individuals without these gene variations.

DNA testing will enable you to gain access to your injury risks and help you and your trainer to personalize your workout to avoid injuries and achieve significant fitness results.

Things to consider:

  • Strength training can protect you from injury by increasing your bone density and strengthening your muscles. It provides more support for your joints.
  • Bouncing and rebounding can decrease injury risks and also improves soft tissue
  • Eccentric training is an effective way to strengthen ligaments and tendons. Eccentric training involves lengthening a muscle under load, for example- lowering a weight in a slow controlled manner.

5. Knowing your Recovery efficacy recovery efficacy from workouts

You must have noticed that some individuals recover and are ready to go again after little rest after doing a set of workouts.  While others need a longer break between hard in between training regimes. Research has shown that some gene variations make it difficult for an individual to recover from hard training; these individuals should be mindful of their training and nutrition.

As per scientific studies, genetic variations in genes such as ACTN3, IL6, and AMPD1 impact muscle contractions, thus individuals with a negative gene variation of these genes can induce fatigue and may take time to recover.

With DNA testing understanding the recovery efficiency would help you achieve significant improvement. It helps your trainer to understand your fitness threshold.

Things to Consider:

  • If you have a low recovery efficiency result, you should be resting for at least 48-72 hours after strenuous workouts.
  • Inflammation is essential for healing from injury and fighting off illness. Omega-3 is a vital nutrient to help your body fight inflammation.
  • After a hard workout, it’s important to cool down to avoid muscle soreness or injury. Once you cool down, you can do anything from walking or running to cycling. A cool-down session of 5–15 minutes can enhance your recovery and avoid injuries.
  • Impact of genetic testing on overall fitness aspects
  • DNA testing helps you identify your optimal exercise type, aerobic capacity, and injury risk to achieve your desired fitness level.

Impact of genetic testing in overall fitness aspects

DNA testing helps you to identify your optimal exercise type, aerobic capacity, and injury risk to achieve desired fitness level.

DNA Test Report

With DNA tests work smarter not harder.

  • Lose weight faster with the optimal type of exercise.
  • To improve performance or achieve an ideal fitness level, understanding your genetics will enable you to achieve optimal results in the shortest time.
  • Whether you are a weekend warrior looking for a competitive edge or an athlete wanting to maximize his or her performance, the DNA test gives you the necessary tools to elevate your fitness.
  • Identify fitness enhancing diet and nutrients.
  • Impact of stress and sleep on your physical performance outcomes

GeneFIT DNA Tests: Unlock your potential to achieve optimal fitness

With GeneFIT we combine your unique DNA profile with lifestyle and environmental factors to identify the specific actions you should follow. So whether you’re looking to lose weight, build muscle, get fitter or live healthier, eliminate the guesswork and cut straight to what works for you.

With GeneFIT you can discover:

  • Whether your muscles are equipped to work with explosive power workouts
  • Whether you have a sedentary lifestyle predisposition or low exercise motivation feelings.
  • Whether you are better suited to endurance sports or exercise.
  • Your baseline levels of aerobic stamina are also known as VO2max.
  • Your injury risk
  • Your stress and sleep management.

For more details click here or connect with our experts

Fitlife DNA Test – 

FitLife DNA test gives you a complete report about your fitness. And a detailed insight about the optimal type of exercise, aerobic capacity, and injury risk for you. Achieve your desired fitness through genetic insights in your DNA that can transform your fitness routine and training for optimal fitness. Click here to read more about the FitLife test or connect with our experts