food insensitivity and taste perception

Genetic Testing: Unlock Your Taste Buds And Food Sensitivities

FOOD SENSITIVITYfood sensitivity

You may not be aware, but certain types of food may cause you more trouble than gain. Food sensitivities can impact your digestive system and make your body feel uncomfortable and bloated. They are hard to diagnose, but they are slowly being recognized as a serious medical condition. While it’s important not to panic if you have a food sensitivity, it’s a good idea to keep a note of the foods that affect you. Like allergies, food sensitivities can impact your digestive system and make your body feel uncomfortable. 



TASTE PERCEPTIONTaste perception

Taste perception is an important function for living organisms to detect chemical substances contained in foods and judge whether they serve as nutrients for survival. Low or over perception of a particular taste can create serious health issues, leading to several metabolic disorders.

For example, an individual with a high fat taste preference tends to become overweight and have high cholesterol issues.

An individual’s taste sensitivity can vary depending on their genetic makeup.


Type Of Food Sensitivities Commonly Observed Globally:

  • Lactose Sensitivitylactose intolerance

Lactose intolerance is a condition in which the body is unable to partially digest lactose, a type of sugar found in dairy products. Lactose intolerant individuals experience diarrhea, gas, and bloating after consuming dairy products.

Lactose sensitivity is directly affected by genetic variation in lactose encoding genes known as LCT genes. 

Research has shown that lactose sensitivity is largely affected by genetic variation in the LCT gene. Individuals who have negative variations of this gene are more likely to be lactose intolerant and have higher chances of being overweight.



  • Gluten Sensitivitygluten intolerance

Gluten intolerance or sensitivity is a chronic disease that affects a worldwide population. Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye — three of the most consumed cereal grains in the world. This disease can cause digestive discomfort as well as many other side effects.

Gluten sensitivity is usually inheritable. Research has shown that individuals in families with the HLA-DQ7 gene or HLA-DQ2 gene are more likely to have strong reactions to gluten.


  • Caffeine Sensitivitycaffeine sensitivity

Caffeine sensitivity can come from a variety of factors, including genetics. Caffeine is metabolized in the liver. If your liver is unable to process caffeine well, you are more likely to have a caffeine allergy. This occurs when caffeine triggers your immune system – it mistakes it for something harmful that needs to be fought off.

An individual’s sensitivity to caffeine is a result of their genetic makeup as proven by several studies. For example, individuals with caffeine sensitivity had negative variants for the CYP1A2 gene, which codes for an enzyme that breaks down caffeine. 


  • Carbohydrate Sensitivitycarbohydrate sensitivity

Carbohydrate intolerance is a condition that prevents the body from digesting certain carbohydrates due to a lack of digestive enzymes. Symptoms include diarrhea, bloating, and gas.

Some individuals are genetically predisposed to being sensitive to carbohydrates. It means that their bodies don’t tolerate or process refined carbohydrates very well. Carbs impact your body weight, fat, and insulin responsiveness.



Type Of Taste Perceptions Commonly Observed Globally:

  • Sweet Taste Perception sweet taste perception

Sweet taste perception is a condition; where an individual has more inclination toward consuming sweet-tasting food or beverages. Over dominance of sweet taste can cause several disorders like obesity, diabetes, etc.

As per studies, genetic variation impacting taste receptors (TAS1R1 genes) impact sweet taste craving.


  • Salt Taste Perceptionsalt taste perception

Salt is essential for body metabolism, however, excess salt or sodium intake can cause high blood pressure in those who are genetically susceptible. Studies have shown the variation in the TRPV1 genes may modify salt taste perception in humans.




  • Fat Taste Perceptionfat taste perception

“Fat” is the term used to refer to naturally occurring triglycerides. Over consumption of fat has negative health impacts and increases the risk of morbidities, such as obesity, diabetes, and cancer. Fat taste perception has become a vital cog to measure fat intake. Several taste receptor genes strongly influence taste perceptions which are directly proportional to the amount of intake.



  • Bitter Taste Perceptionbitter taste perception

Bitterness can be described as a sharp, pungent, or disagreeable flavor. Bitterness is neither salty nor sour but may accompany these flavor sensations. There is a ‘supertaster’ gene that determines if you are able to detect certain bitter compounds found in common foods. High bitter taste sensitivity is proven to increase cravings for alcoholic beverages, insomnia, and high blood pressure.



food intolerance test

Role Of Your Genes In Food Sensitivity And Taste Perception

Scientists have recently identified several genes that determine how our bodies metabolize food. It is important to note that these same genes also impact food sensitivities and influence our taste perception.

Research has shown that taste perceptions are directly influenced by genetic variations that affect taste receptors. How an individual experiences tasting a particular taste is dependent on the tendency to over-consume it. If someone enjoys the meaty taste, they will be drawn more to fatty foods with a meaty taste. Thus, making the individuals more likely to suffer from weight or cholesterol issues.


About NutriLife Test For Food Sensitivity And Taste Perception –

Food Sensitivities & Intolerance

Find which foods you are sensitive to

You may not be aware but certain types of food may cause you more trouble than gain. Our food intolerance reports help you understand any foods you should avoid based on your genes.

Report Includes:

  • Lactose Intolerance
  • Carbohydrate Intolerance
  • Caffeine Sensitivity
  • Salt Sensitivity
  • Fructose Intolerance
  • Celiac Disease Predisposition

NutriLife Test – Test For Taste Perception & Food Preferences

Taste perception is an important function for living organisms to detect chemical substances contained in foods and judge whether they serve as nutrients for survival. Low or over perception of a particular taste preference can you into several metabolic disorders. A distorted sense of taste can be a risk factor for many metabolic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and other illnesses. Your report will identify if you are hyper or hypo sensitive to a particular taste and its effects.


  • Sweet taste perception
  • Salt taste perception
  • Bitter taste perception
  • Fat taste perception
  • Umami taste perception

For more details click here

Here are our consent products with links – 

  1. NutriLife 

NutriLife DNA test identifies your micronutrient demands, taste perception, food intolerance, and food allergies based on your genetic reports. NutriLife DNA test report provides you with personalized recommendations according to your body requirements and genetic reports. Start your journey to keep your body healthy and in an optimal weight with NutriLife. Click here to read more about NutriLife test or connect with our experts

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