
Zinc supplements for hair loss and hair care management

How to Get Enough Zinc for Healthy Hair: Foods, Genes, and More!

Importance of zinc in hair healthZinc is a nutrient that is essential for human health. It has a variety of roles in the body, including helping to form DNA and proteins and aiding in cell division. Zinc is also important for hair health. A zinc deficiency can lead to hair loss and other disorders. Luckily, zinc can be found in a variety of foods, so it is relatively easy to ensure you are getting enough of this nutrient. Additionally, genes may play a role in how well you absorb zinc from food. A DNA test can help to identify any genetic variants that may affect zinc absorption and help mitigate the risk of hair loss with low zinc levels.


Role Of Zinc In Overall Health

Zinc is an essential mineral that supports the immune system and keeps your metabolism running smoothly. It’s also involved in protein synthesis, and cell division and promotes healing from wounds or cuts by binding with vital vitamins such as vitamin C to form a protective barrier against infection – all while helping you feel healthier!


What Role Does Zinc Plays In Your Hair Health?

If you’re like most people, you probably don’t think much about zinc. But this essential mineral plays a vital role in many of your body’s functions, including hair growth. Zinc is involved in the production of keratin, the protein that makes up your hair. It also helps keep your scalp healthy and free from dandruff. A lack of zinc can lead to hair loss and slow down new hair growth.


How Deficiency Of Zinc Can Impact Hair Health

A zinc deficiency can impact hair health in a number of ways. For starters, it can cause your hair to become dry and brittle. It may also lead to hair loss or thinning hair. In some cases, a zinc deficiency can even cause your hair to change colour, becoming dull or grey. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s important to see your doctor and get tested for zinc deficiency. If it is confirmed that you are deficient in zinc, your doctor may recommend taking a zinc supplement or making changes to your diet in order to increase your intake of this mineral. By doing so, you can help improve the health of your hair and prevent further damage.


How One Can Get Zinc?

Zinc rich food

Zinc is found in many foods, including meat, poultry, seafood, nuts, and legumes. If you’re not getting enough zinc from your diet, you may want to consider taking a zinc supplement. Talk to your doctor before starting any supplements.




The Most Recommended Zinc Supplement Products by health experts are:

Thorne Research Zinc Picolinate

Their zinc picolinate is no exception and provides an exceptional dose of zinc that the body can readily use. This product provides 30 mg of zinc, which does not exceed tolerable upper intake levels, and it comes in one convenient capsule.


How Do Genes Impact Zinc Absorption?

Impact of genes on zinc absorption

Genes play a role in zinc absorption, as they do with most nutrients. There are specific genes that code for proteins involved in transporting zinc into the cells, and others that regulate how much zinc is absorbed from the intestine. Mutations in these genes can lead to zinc deficiency, even if someone consumes enough zinc in their diet. The advancement in genetics and DNA technology has allowed scientists to reveal several genes associated with zinc absorption. One such reported vastly for low levels is the CA1 gene, which was linked to both UK populations as well Japanese individuals suffering from Androgenic Alopecia or also known as “Male Hair Loss”. The study conducted on these two groups displayed those who carried negative versions had lower serum Zinc values.


With DNA Test Mitigate Hair Fall Risk By Knowing Zinc Deficiency Risk

The DNA test can help to mitigate the risk of hair loss by detecting low zinc levels. The DNA test offered looks at an individual’s genetic profile and determines if they are more likely to experience baldness or thinning in their scalps due to insufficient amounts, with this new strategy you’ll be sure that your treatment has a much better chance for success because doctors know exactly which supplements work best based on someone’s unique makeup – meaning zero guesswork involved!


By Taking Up DNA Test You Can Mitigate These Hair Loss Conditions Before Its too late:

Zinc deficiency can lead to thinning or balding as well an increased risk from various other diseases such as Wilson’s disease, and sickle cell disease. DNA testing would be worth it!

If you like to know more about DNA tests and how vitamins-minerals are processed by our bodies for hair health visit here


Have a look at our products with consent links:


HairLife DNA test is designed to identify and understand the risk of premature hair loss, greying, thinning, and baldness due to genetic factors, nutritional deficiencies, and stress. HairLife DNA test also identifies the specific type of hair issue and helps you to get a personalized hair care solution for the same. This personalized hair care solution will be recommended to keep your hair healthy and nourished based on your genetic reports. Click here to read more about the HairLife test


GeneFit DNA Test provides a 360-degree personalized genetic insight about your lifestyle and well-being risks that include – the risk of weight gain or loss, nutritional deficiencies, food sensitivities, optimal fitness activities, sleep, and stress. Click here to read more about the GeneFit test. 


NutriLife DNA test gives an insight into your micronutrient requirements based on your genetic report. Get personalized recommendations for essential nutrient intake with the NutriLife DNA test report and include the recommended food sources in your diet to maximize the health benefits. The genetic tests also identify your food allergies, food sensitivities, and taste perception which impacts your food absorption in the body. Click here to read more about the NutriLife test

Selenium for Hair Growth: The Mineral Your locks have been Waiting For!

selenium for hair healthSelenium is a nutrient that’s needed for many important processes in the body, including metabolism and thyroid function. It can only be obtained through diet so it doesn’t have any negative health effects when taken at proper doses. Selenium is an important mineral that functions in the body to help protect against damage from free radicals and infections. Selenoproteins function as enzymes; proteins that are involved with DNA repair as well reproduction. Selenium is an important mineral for hair growth, and people have known this for years. It’s just that its role in the process was underestimated until recent studies came out confirming what we already knew: selenium helps with both the strength as well as thickness of your locks!


Role Of Selenium In Overall Health

Selenium is an important mineral that offers many health benefits. It is a powerful antioxidant that can help protect your body against oxidative stress and chronic conditions such as heart disease and cancer. Selenium can also boost your immune system, making you less susceptible to infections and illnesses. Getting enough selenium in your diet is essential for good health, so make sure to include foods that are rich in this nutrient.

What Role Does Selenium Play In Your Hair Health?

Selenium is a mineral that is important for hair health. It helps to protect the scalp and hair from damage and it also helps to keep the hair healthy and shiny. Selenium is also necessary for the production of thyroid hormones, which are important for overall health. If you are not getting enough selenium in your diet, you may experience hair loss or thinning hair.

How Deficiency Of Selenium Can Impact Hair Health 

Selenium is an important mineral that our bodies need for optimum health. However, many people are not getting enough selenium in their diets, and this can lead to a number of health problems, including hair loss. When it comes to hair health, selenium plays an important role in keeping the scalp healthy and the hair follicles strong. It also helps to prevent dryness and itching of the scalp, two common problems that can lead to hair loss. Selenium deficiency has also been linked to dandruff and other scalp conditions.

If you think your hair loss is getting severe, get your selenium level tested. 

How One Can Get Selenium? Selenium rich foods

The recommended daily intake of selenium for adults is 55 micrograms. Good sources of selenium include seafood such as tuna and sardines, nuts such as Brazil nuts and cashews, and seeds such as sunflower seeds. Selenium can also be found in fortified foods such as cereal and bread. There are some people who cannot meet their selenium requirement from food alone. These people may need to take a selenium supplement. Selenium supplements are available in both pill and liquid form. You can manage your selenium levels in your food with DNA-based diet. It is important to consult a doctor before starting a selenium supplement, as too much selenium can be toxic.


Most Recommended Selenium Supplement Products by health experts are:

  • Klaire Labs Seleno Met
  • Pure Encapsulations Selenomethionine
  • NOW Foods Selenium (yeast-free)
  • Bluebonnet Selenium
  • NOW Foods EpiCor Plus Immunity

How Genes Impact Selenium Absorption? Genetic testing for selenium deficiency

Scientists have found that several genes play a role in the metabolism of selenium, which is an important mineral for many bodily functions. Genes that are involved in selenium metabolism include those that encode enzymes needed for selenium uptake, transport, and storage. Mutations in these genes can lead to abnormalities in selenium levels and potentially to health problems. Therefore, it is important to understand the role of genes in selenium metabolism in order to maintain health and prevent disease.

A study conducted on US adults displayed that individuals carrying a negative version of the GPX1 gene showed low selenium absorption and had severe hair loss issues along with thyroid dysfunction. When these individuals included selenium intake in their diet for 4 months trial their hair loss process slowed down significantly.


With DNA Test Mitigate Hair Fall Risk By Knowing Selenium Deficiency Risk

The DNA test can help to stop hair loss by determining if you have low selenium levels. The new strategy looks at an individual’s genetic profile and determines whether they are more likely to experience baldness or thinning in their scalps due to selenium or any other nutritional deficiencies, with this information doctors know exactly which supplements work best for them – meaning zero guesswork involved!

By Taking Up DNA Test You Can Mitigate These Hair Loss Conditions Before Its too late:

  • Androgenic Alopecia 
  • Alopecia Areata 
  • Frontal Fibrosing Alopecia
  • Telogen Eluvium

Selenium deficiency can lead to thinning or balding as well an increased risk of various other diseases such like thyroid dysfunction, mental retardation, and fatigue. DNA testing would be worth it!

If you like to know more about DNA tests and how vitamins-minerals are processed by our bodies for hair health visit here

DNA- Based Hair Loss And Hair Care Solutions With HairLife 

Genetic testing for Hair loss reveals the risks for an individual for their hair loss, hair thinning, or premature greying. Genetic testing also identifies the cause of premature hair loss, greying, thinning, or baldness due to genetic factors, nutritional deficiencies, and stress.

Have a look at our products with consent links:


HairLife DNA test helps you to identify and understand the risk of premature hair loss, greying, thinning, and baldness due to genetic factors, nutritional deficiencies, and stress. HairLife DNA test also pinpoints the specific type of hair issue and helps you to get a personalized hair care solution for the same. This personalized hair care solution will be designed to keep your hair healthy and nourished. Your personalized DNA report provides recommendations for hairstyles, nutrition recommended supplements, and hair care products. Click here to read more about the HairLife test


GeneFit DNA Test provides a 360-degree personalized genetic insight about your lifestyle and well-being risks that include – the risk of weight gain or loss, nutritional deficiencies, food sensitivities, optimal fitness activities, sleep, and stress. Click here to read more about the GeneFit test. 


NutriLife DNA test gives an insight into your micronutrient requirements based on your genetic report. Get personalized recommendations for essential nutrient intake with the NutriLife DNA test report and include the recommended food sources in your diet to maximize the health benefits. The genetic tests also identifies your food allergies, food sensitivities, and taste perception which impacts your food absorption in the body. Click here to read more about the NutriLife test